Factory for the production of paints, plaster and  primers


All the product's of BITEX company wich have the logo of Mix-System can get tinted with
BITEX tinting system wich maximal exactness in many shades. 

See more about mixing

Technical data

Asphalt paint ready to use with excellent hiding power and very consistent.

  • Very good hiding power
  • Short open time
  • Very consistent to pressure
  • Scrub resistant

Article No KG Consumption
3004020 20 KG 1.5 – 2 m²/kg

Use: BITEX – Strama is a very high quality dispersive paint for asphalt, diusive with high pressure resistence and resistant to climate changes. It’s hydrofob and very high scrub resistance . With a short drying time .

Underground: Should be dry, very clean and rm .

Handling: BITEX – Strama can be applied with rol or brush. Before use should be mixed well. Do not use under + 5 º C .

Storage: Cool, but frost free.

Llojet e ngjyrave

BITEX  L.L.C produces dispersion paints, plaster and primer, with modern technology and laboratory for analyses. Production is made and controlled under leading (management) of German expert. it is German – Kosovar joint venture.

Vragoli 12000 Fushë Kosovë
Tel: +381 38 60 77 70

Fax:+381 38 60 77 80 

Bitex  Deutschland
Bitex GmbH Odenwaldstrasse 7
63762 Großostheim
phone:+49 6026-99 19 996
fax: + 49 6026 - 99 19 9956

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Prishtina, Kosovo