Factory for the production of paints, plaster and  primers


All the product's of BITEX company wich have the logo of Mix-System can get tinted with
BITEX tinting system wich maximal exactness in many shades. 

See more about mixing

Technical data

Matt exterior wall's paint , of high quality. Can get tinted with BITEX tinting system .

  • Resistant to climate changes
  • Very good hiding power
  • Penetrable for water vapour
  • Reststant to elastic primer's
  • With fungi and algae properties
  • Resistant to UV radiation
  • Good protection against CO² and SO²

Article No. Shade Base KG Consumption
4001008A White A 8/20 Kg 4,5 m²/kg
4001008B White B 8/20 Kg 4,5 m²/kg
4001008C White C 8/20 Kg 4,5 m²/kg

Use : Bitex color EGA diperzive Farbe is high quality for exterior walls , resistant to climate change . It is hydrophobic , and resistant to sunlight and light fragrance

Area: should be dry , clean and strong . Ltyera lime surfaces must first be washed with water or cleaned with a brush .

Absorbent surfaces should be treated with Tiefgrund BITEX .

Operate: EGA BITEX - Farbe can be diluted with water at most 10 % . Before use should be mixed well. It can be painted with brush or roller

It does not apply at temperatures lower than 5 ° C . Working tools should be cleaned with water immediately after use.

Storage: In a cool but frost-free .

Llojet e ngjyrave

BITEX  L.L.C produces dispersion paints, plaster and primer, with modern technology and laboratory for analyses. Production is made and controlled under leading (management) of German expert. it is German – Kosovar joint venture.

Vragoli 12000 Fushë Kosovë
Tel: +381 38 60 77 70

Fax:+381 38 60 77 80 

Bitex  Deutschland
Bitex GmbH Odenwaldstrasse 7
63762 Großostheim
phone:+49 6026-99 19 996
fax: + 49 6026 - 99 19 9956

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Prishtina, Kosovo